Badger State Vettes is located in the Milwaukee Metropolitan area and is affiliated with the Midwest Region of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC).
All Corvette owners are welcome at Badger State Vettes meetings & events.
For Further Information:
Badger State Vettes (BSV) was founded in 1984 as a not-for-profit corporation to promote activities and camaraderie among Corvette owners. Our membership is open to all Corvette owners who have an interest in enjoying their car and sharing that enjoyment with others. We have members in a wide range of ages and from all walks of life, male & female, single & “spoken for” and from all parts of the Milwaukee metropolitan area. That great car we all enjoy brings everyone together! We welcome any year Corvette.

BSV tries to encompass all facets of the Corvette hobby from fun social-type events to competitive events. We like our members to participate by attending meetings and as many club functions as they can either as an entrant or as a worker. We don’t want our members to ever feel they are “just a number”. Some compete, some just go to the “fun” stuff, most do some of both. You’ll have lots to do with your Vette & many new friends to do it with.
If you are uncertain about membership, the members of BSV invite you to join us at one of our membership meetings or at one of our events. Take some time to get to know the people who make up our membership. Once you get to know who we are, you’ll want to be part of our Corvette Club.
BSV provides an award-winning monthly newsletter at no cost to members so, even if you can’t attend a monthly meeting, you will still know the latest happenings in the Club and what to look forward to next. An annual holiday party is held at little or no cost to those who meet their membership requirements (meeting attendance and helping at our events). Our Club has many contacts with reputable and reliable Corvette-related businesses including mechanics and body shops. Heiser Chevrolet gives our members a discount on parts when a current membership card is presented.
You’ve found our website so take a minute to learn more about our activities. After you’ve looked at the various areas of our website, contact us with your name & mailing address so we can send you the latest newsletter and Club information. Feel free to ask any questions you have through our e-mail address
BSV Membership Meetings take place once a month on the first Wednesday. These meetings give each member the opportunity to have a direct voice in the Club’s operation and activities as well as a chance to share ideas with other Corvette owners. Our membership meetings are open to all members and guests.
Membership dues: First year dues for a BSV Primary Member are $55 ($40 in succeeding years) which includes your dues to National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). NCCC is a nationwide organization of almost 300 Corvette Clubs. A “significant other” can join at $5 for BSV dues & $10 for NCCC dues (recommended but not required for this level of membership). Members’ children (students 16 to 25) can join at $5 for BSV dues & $10 for NCCC (required for this membership level). Children, Grandchildren, nieces & nephews, birth through 15, can join NCCC’s youth program, Future Corvette Owners Association (FCOA), for a one-time membership fee of $5.