You can view the running calendar below for events, non-sanctioned events, meetings and more. To see more about terminology, scroll down below the calendar.
An event where you basically are going out for a nice afternoon drive with friends who are likely to be taking their favorite vehicles out for a drive. Events occur on regular city streets at appropriate speeds and often some great scenery. While you are on your drive, you will often answer questions about things you pass along the way.
Gimmick Rallye:
It is a rallye with a theme to the event.
Poker Rallye:
It is the same as a normal rallye but the driver and passenger will pick cards at the beginning and end to make up a poker hand that can win prizes. Time-Speed-Distance: This is a rallye where you depart at a specific time and you have to meet specific checkpoints at precise times. Too slow or too fast means you’ll be docked points — this one is about good planning.
NOTE: Vehicles of all types are welcome to join. We always want to see the Corvettes, but if it can pass a safety inspection (meaning is it safe to drive), then you can use it!
These events allow you to both learn what your vehicle can do by going through a course made up of pylons (traffic cones) where you race for your best time in your class. These events occur off city streets on large areas of pavements such as airports, mall parking lots, or other areas. Cars are split into different classes, such as men and ladies and then into classes based on age and modifications to vehicles. This means you’ll be competing against those that have similar hardware to you.
Low-Speed Event:
Low-speed events are often used interchangibly because it is the most common type of autocross. A low-speed event usually involves two runs through the course at speeds that are approximately highway speeds or lower and usually less than 1 mile in length.
These events are not for first-timers. You will often be on courses over 1 mile in length exceeding speeds of 80 milers per hour. Often you are required to have special equipment in your vehicle so you can compete safely. It is recommended that you compete in several low-speed events before you try your hand at the high-speed events.
NOTE: Vehicles of all types are welcome to join. We always want to see the Corvettes, but if it can pass a safety inspection (meaning is it safe to drive), then you can use it! Never autocrossed before? No worries! All experience levels are welcome at the low-speed events.